Support Services

Support Options and Contacts

Get Support

If you, or another person (adult or child)
are in immediate danger call 000.

Police 131 444

The Order of St Augustine is not a direct service organisation and cannot provide emergency assistance, support services, advice or referrals for women and their children.

For assistance, including 24 hour services, please contact any of the following helplines.

National | NSW | VIC | QLD


1800 RESPECT – 1800 737 732

The national sexual assault, domestic and family violence information counselling service and support line, 24 hours. Translation or interpreting services can be arranged through 1800 RESPECT on 13 14 50.

MensLine Australia – 1300 789 978 Telephone and online counselling service for Men.

Lifeline – 13 11 14 Crisis support, mental health and suicide prevention, 24 hours.

Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800 Helpline service to children, teens and young adults, 24 hours.

Relationships Australia – 1300 364 277 Leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. Aims to achieve positive and respectful relationships.

New South Wales

Domestic Violence Line – 1800 65 64 63 Domestic and family violence information, support and referrals, 24 hours.

NSW Rape Crisis Centre – 1800 424 017 Telephone and online crisis counselling for anyone who has experienced, or is at risk of, sexual, family or domestic violence, 24 hours.

Child Protection Helpline – 132 111 To report suspected child abuse or neglect, 24 hours.

Legal Aid NSW – 1300 888 529 Specialist domestic violence legal aid for south-west Sydney and the Central Coast regions.

Western NSW Community Legal Centre – 1800 655 927 Specialist domestic violence legal aid for the Dubbo region.


Sexual Assault Crisis Line – 1800 806 292 After-hours, telephone crisis counselling service for victim of sexual assault. SACL operates between 5pm weeknights to 9am the following day and throughout weekends and public holidays.

Child Protection Crisis Line – 131 278 For concerns about the immediate safety of a child within a family unit, 24 hours.

Eastern Community Legal Centre1300 325200 Free family violence legal advice.

Women’s Legal Service Victoria – Metro: 03 8622 0600, Regional: 1800 133 302 Free domestic and family violence legal assistance, with helpful online information.

Inner Melbourne Community Legal Centre – 03 9328 1885 Domestic and family violence legal assistance for the inner Melbourne City District.


DVConnect Women’s Line – 1800 811 811 Free crisis counselling and support for women experiencing domestic and family violence, 24 hours.

DVConnect Men’s Line – 1800 600 636 Specialist assistance for men to address their own violence and men who have been victims of violence, 24 hours.

Queensland State Wide Sexual Assault Helpline – 1800 010 120 Provides supportive counselling advice. 7.30am to 11.30pm, 7 days a week.

Women’s Legal Service Queensland – 1800 957 957 Statewide domestic violence legal aid assistance for women in Queensland.

North Queensland Women’s Legal Service – 1800 244 504 Monday-Thursday 9.00am-1.00pm – domestic violence legal aid assistance for women in north Queensland.