OSA Updates Australia

22 March 2023
75th Diamond Jubilees Anniversary - Come home to Villanova

75th Diamond Jubilees Anniversary – Come home to Villanova

In 2023, Villanova College is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee Anniversary - 75 years of Villanova.
10 November 2022
Congratulations St. Kieran’s Parish Manly Vale

Congratulations St. Kieran’s Parish Manly Vale

Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the establishment of St Kieran’s Parish Manly Vale (now part of the @Catholic Community of North Harbour)...
8 June 2022
Villa student raising awareness about mental health

Villa student raising awareness about mental health

Villanova College Year 12 student Tom Price successfully launched his ‘You are not alone’ campaign to raise awareness about mental health.
5 May 2022
Fr Saldie Vocation Story

Vocation Story

Fr Saldie OSA, an Augustinian priest, shares his insights into his experiences of responding to God's call. He invites those considering a vocation to religious life...
26 April 2022

Villanova College celebrates ANZAC DAY 2022

The Villanova College ANZAC Day 2022 Address was given by Kyle Evans of the class of 2016 who is finishing his degree at the Australian Defence Force Academy...
16 April 2022
EASTER message 2022

Prior Provincial’s Easter message 2022

Fr Peter Jones OSA, the Provincial of the Augustinians of the Province of Australasia, shares his reflection on the Easter Message for 2022.