OSA Updates Australia

17 September 2020

STOPLINE ‘Whistleblower’ Service

The Augustinians have recently engaged the services of STOPLINE...
1 September 2020

Villanova College promotes a Greener Environment

The Villanova College-Green Team ran a raffle...
31 August 2020
Updates from the Delegation of Korea Sept 2020 - 1

Updates from the Delegation of Korea

Congratulations to Barnabas Kim OSA on the 25th anniversary...
22 August 2020

Brother Tu Installed as Lector

Congratulations to Brother Nguyễn Văn Tú OSA who received the ministry of lector today, 22nd August 2020...
14 August 2020

Deaconate Ordination

The Augustinians invite you to participate in the Deaconate Ordination of our brother, Tuấn Anh Lê OSA, via livestream.
14 August 2020
The celebration of mass in a time of social distancing in an Augustinian parish

The celebration of mass in a time of social distancing in an Augustinian parish

The video encapsulates the messages...