1Welcome Message of the Prior Provincial

Welcome to the website of the Augustinians in Australia.

My name is Fr Peter Jones OSA and I currently serve as Provincial.

My welcome to you is together with that of my Augustinian brothers who live and minister in our Province.

We want to share with you in this site aspects of our life and service of others. We are religious who seek to follow Jesus in the way of the Gospel, influenced by the spirituality of our spiritual patron St Augustine of Hippo and the charism of our Order. That charism highlights community life in friendship, a deep inner commitment to a graced relationship with God and a willingness to serve the needs of the broader community which is the church and humanity.

Thank you for your interest in finding out more about the Augustinians and enjoy our website.

Fr Peter Jones OSA

Fr Peter Jones OSA
Prior Provincial

1Welcome Message of the Prior Provincial

Welcome to the website of the Augustinians in Australia.

My name is Fr Peter Jones OSA and I currently serve as Provincial.

My welcome to you is together with that of my Augustinian brothers who live and minister in our Province.

We want to share with you in this site aspects of our life and service of others. We are religious who seek to follow Jesus in the way of the Gospel, influenced by the spirituality of our spiritual patron St Augustine of Hippo and the charism of our Order. That charism highlights community life in friendship, a deep inner commitment to a graced relationship with God and a willingness to serve the needs of the broader community which is the church and humanity.

Thank you for your interest in finding out more about the Augustinians and enjoy our website.

Fr Peter Jones OSA

Fr Peter Jones OSA
Prior Provincial

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Lay Partnerships

A Religious Order is intended to facilitate apostolic activity amongst the people it serves and in the broader world more generally. Often an ideal way of doing this is to form groups with a special interest and focus.

Lay Groups

A Religious Order is intended to facilitate apostolic activity amongst the people it serves and in the broader world more generally. Often an ideal way of doing this is to form groups with a special interest and focus.